For those who, like me, were born analog but started to switch to digital in the early 90s of the last century, it might be natural to think of the web with a product-focused approachThe so-called web 1.0 was about reading and information, web historians teach. So the questions for many companies were: how can we write about us, our products and services?  In Web 1.0 we would have presented ourselves in an "analogical" way: this is my company, this is my product, this is my price... my my my... and buy it, it's good for you". Yes, but who are YOU?

The transition to the so-called Web 2.0 has forced people and companies to add writing and creating to the reading phase, but in most cases the mentality remained that of Web 1.0. So the questions for many companies has become: How can we write about ourselves, our products and services in an engaging way? And the answer was more or less the same: this is my nice company, this is my cool product, this is my cheap price... my my my... and buy it, it's good for you". Yes, but who are YOU?

Why is a customer-centric approach so important?

Switching to a customer-centric approach means understand what customers want, need and their communication preferences. Creating a meaningful experience means building a strong customer relationship, increasing loyalty, reducing churn rate and boosting sales.

How can I help you?

I can help you change your approach. We can work on your data and insights, building customer identikits (buyer personas), drawing customer journeys and working with designers and engineers to move from a product-focused view to a customer-centric approach.